Saturday, March 28, 2009


The day outside is very cold, windy, rainy, and just about as gloomy as it can be. Supposed to snow tonight. Inside, we are bright and happy and confident that Spring and warm weather WILL come soon! We have been busy cleaning house and getting ready for church potluck this evening. I think I have a little time for a nap. Jerry whipped up a trivia quiz for our guests and I will soon be fixing stuffed porkchops.
Here is a picture of my table - notice that Flat Stanley has been helping me.


MaryM said...

Looks lovely! I know you're great hosts and all will have a wonderful time.

Mim said...

More puzzles: Are the Mickey Mouse items to eat? for prizes? made by Ada and Flat Stanley? Part of Jerry's quiz? You and Jerry are so original!

Ada said...

The felted-wool "eggs" Mim is talking about is the project that temporarily pre-empted my patchwork project. They were suggested at this month's embroidery club and looked like fun, so I made bunch of them, then made the little table runner to go with them. Done with that now so next week will be back at the other item. Show you when it's done.