Monday, March 23, 2009

Grandmother Sophia.

This incident bears repeating even though some of you already know it:

When I was engaged to Lynn, Cora Stoller Frey told me this tale about Gr.grandmother Sommers Klopfenstein, mother of Grandpa Peter, who was the husband of Sophia. Apparently Gr. Sommers was widowed when her only child was but a few months old. Baby Peter was sickly in his youth and his mother never expected him to reach manhood. She would fret "The Klopfenstein name is going to die out." Well, baby Peter reached manhood, married Sophia Meiss, and fathered fourteen children---and the Klopfenstein name did not die out!


Anonymous said...

This is a story that does make me laugh. I'd forgotten about it until Aunt Ada told it at the big reunion last year.

Nog Blog said...

I don't remember hearing this story before. Rhoda, the big reunion was surely more than a year ago...maybe 3? Ada??