Saturday, February 14, 2009

Potato Soup!

Thank you, Ada, for the rundown of your family menu escapades. Really interesting! And the good news is that Mim picked up on the potato soup as being my favorite. She's exactly right and you're exactly right. Upon reading your blog entry, she immediately proceeded to "fix it up". Out came your recipe and with her personal adjustments, she had it ready to consume shortly. Talk about delicious!!!--any human descript doesn't reach the pinnacle of the delight that bowl of soup brought this displaced yankee.

So! Ada! Keep up your menu offerings--it means more pounds for my already stretched belt.


Ada said...

Glad you liked it Lynn.

Anonymous said...

When I make potato soup, Keith always reminds me that it is as good as candy. I have learned to like it. I sure can't remember liking it as a kid!