Wednesday, December 31, 2008

They're all grown up!

In sorting boxes for the umpteenth time in order to move daughter #2 to start grad school next week, I came across an old box of photo albums. Here are a couple of photos of children who are now all grown up, with children older than this. How we loved playing with them when we visited Grandma! In the summer we usually went to Uncle Jerry and Aunt Ada's for a few days and always had a great time. How time flies!

I know it won't be hard to guess who they are. Or where they are. (Although obviously my photography skills were lacking!)


Nog Blog said...

The doll houses are cute - I don't remember seeing any just like that before. I helped Gloria move today and saw many, many photo albums from the past. I'll bet there are some great pictures to share from them...maybe someday I'll have time to look through them.

Anonymous said...

The "doll houses" were actually a hospital and a school house. They had little people and equipment to play with inside---all of which we no longer have---except maybe the stretcher. I saw that around for a long time. I don't remember ever seeing that picture. Thanks for sharing it! Also I enjoyed the one of Angela, Drake, Jason and Elizabeth. Perry & I often comment how much Timon looks like Jason. The Emch's left for home this morning (12/31) at 8 am.

Drake said...

Isn't that Ebie and Bubbie in the first photo?