Friday, December 5, 2008

Mental Confusion

Yesterday I took the group mentioned below to see ARSENIC AND OLD LACE in Greenville. Andrew had a small part in the play, and a teacher in the dramatic production department had helped me arrange to get tickets for my students. (This was a senior college student's project; it's open to the public but usually mostly just college students and faculty attend. It was very good and the kids loved it.) I ended up with three extra tickets after passing them all out when we got there, and there were three people waiting by the door of the theatre in hopes of getting a ticket since the play was sold out. So I sold those people the three extra tickets and thought - how convenient to get rid of them all.

I forgot to keep a ticket for myself.

Fortunately I saw the teacher right inside the door, told her what happened, and she worked it out & let me in.

Sometimes I am such a dingbat. Middle age has messed with my mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually it may not be middle age. Your mind is probably fine. The problem may be that you are juggling and have too many balls in the air at once. Multitasking has it's downside because the human brain does the best when it does one thing at a time. Anyway, this is how I console myself . . .