Monday, December 1, 2008


Like many of you, we're "hunkered down" and staying out of the cold/snow. However, we're not staying very warm. Last night our furnace went out and we had to get out our space-heater. turn on the fireplace and shut the doors to the rest of the house. Later, we bundled up in warm "jammies", threw an extra blanket on the bed, and slept well all night. (So much bulk on and around us that we couldn't move, so just had to sleep.) Temp in the house this morning is 56 - so not too bad.

We left a message on Jay's Plumbing/Heating phone last night, and they are here now checking it out. Hopefully they can fix it. I must say - the worst part of a cold house is the COOOOLD toilet seat!!

When I woke up this morning and looked out the front window, there was - and still is - a car in our ditch at the end of the drive. The driver was trying to "rev" it out, but it wasn't moving. In other words it was clear stuck! Someone finally came along and picked her up. She later called and said she has called a wrecker. We have no wrecker service in Gridley, so it will probably be a while.

Hey - it's only 8:30 so we're anxiously awaiting some more joys for the day!



Anonymous said...

What's the other colloquialism from your previous post? The only thing I could think of was "Ada's".

Ada said...

Yes, that is it. I'm not sure why my sons always make fun of that. Also I think "Greetings from . . ." was another hit. It's all done in fun.