Sunday, December 7, 2008


From Cave

Owen and I had an adventure last night. We camped in Eagle Cave in Wisconsin with his scout troop. It was about zero degrees outside and about 50 degrees in the cave. Owen and all the boys (and some of the more adventurous dads) spent hours climbing over big rocks and army crawling through muddy holes - all about 200 yards under ground. There were over 350 people in the cave for the night. I'm not really sure how they got the kids quieted down and sleep but they did. I might have preferred kids running around to all the snoring.


Ada said...

Drake and Miohelle---You both do such great things with your children!!! Can't you just see them coming home 20 years from now and sitting around your Thanksgiving table laughing about all the fun they had with you when they were young!!! Way to go!!!


Ada said...

Michelle - I DO know how to spell your name! Sorry.

Ann said...

I can't sleep when cold, so it would have been a short, short night. I am GREATLY impressed that you would do this with your boy!

Anonymous said...

Quality father/son time, for sure. I admire your courage and ambition but I can't imagine sleeping in such cold conditions. A great unforgetable memory!

Shelley S said...

What a cool scout troop! Our only excitement in scouts is the old Pine Wood Derby. Maybe we should take some notes from you guys!