Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Special Note to Jamie

I hope everyone read Jamie's comments about Hurricane Ike and the damage in Houston. Jamie - I did think of you so often during the buildup and the days of the storm. I'm glad you didn't have structural damage, but your life is surely turned upside down for the time being. Hang in there...wish we were closer to help!


Drake said...

Jamie - glad you and fam are safe and sound. What an ordeal! Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you and your neighbors.

Ann said...

I'm so glad that Judy started this. Jamie, thanks for letting us know you're OK. Your story brings back memories of what the Carolina coast was like during Hugo several years ago. You're in our thoughts and prayers!

Ada said...

Hi Jamie. Sounds like it was a very scary night for your family, and I'm glad you are all ok and did not have serious damage. We hope the "clean-up" will go quickly and all services will be restored as soon as possible. Our prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

Hello from Houston!
Ada, thank you for the description of the perfect Saturday. It sounds wonderful and I can imagine being there! I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoy reading everyone's blogs! Even though we are far away, I feel a part of the family.

Things are slowly returning to normal. Our power came on Friday night (I watched Joe hug the Entergy man), and stayed on long enough to do laundry and clean the house. It went out again last night and was still out this morning. Ah well....

The boys are back to school today. Benji's asthma is acting up from all the mold/pollen in the air from downed trees, but he has a new puffer and is excited that he is "big enough" to use it instead of the nebulizer.

I really can't complain - we are better off than a lot of people down here. Something like this really puts things into perspective and we have so much to be thankful for! We're tired, but safe. Although I have to admit, I have a whole new respect for electricity!

Anonymous said...

Jamie, It's so good to hear from you. Have thought of you often and have a little CARE package ready to send to you, hoping that mail is getting through? Thanks for the update. We will continue to pray for strength and endurance for you! Please keep us posted. Love, Mary

Anonymous said...

Jamie, I'm so glad you are doing well in spite of such trying circumstances. Our employee, Lisa's husband, Rick, works for ComEd. He is currently in Texas and probably won't come home for a long time. She said he goes each time there is a hurricane and even though they are only asked to give two weeks, he stays until he feels the job is "done." He says when he gets there and sees the devastation and the need, he feels like he can't just walk away. She is home alone night after night but they talk on the phone. Rick told her one of the men on the crew was helping after a hurricane for the first time and broke down in tears when he saw the mess. We have unsung heroes all around us, willing to give of their time and risk their personal safety to help others. Occasionally we hear of their deeds, but mostly only God notices their unselfish efforts.
Love, Carol

Anonymous said...

Carol, your words are so true! We witness unselfish acts of heroism each day. The true heroes are the ones that you don't see on TV - the men like Rick that give up their families to help others; the firefighters, police, EMS, power crews, tree cutters and many others who have come from all parts of the country. The news (and I have to confess, me as well) get too caught up in the doom and gloom of the situation. They don't show these true heroes. Those of us who live here notice and appreciate them. We cheer when we see them, bring them food and water, and offer our hospitality. Please extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Lisa and Rick.