Saturday, September 27, 2008

No distraction from "Gathering Nuts"

Sorting out umpteen boxes and drawers of stuff, the above photo popped out. It is Uncle John Klopfenstein (one of the fourteen) who died at age 44 of a massive heart attack in 1946 at his home in Portland, OR. He was often called "Jack"; however, we always knew him as Uncle John.

Antique vehicle buffs are challenged to give us vintage and make of the truck. (I'm relucant to publish this as it may distract from the classic "Gathering Nuts"!)


Anonymous said...

Didn't he and his wife have a rather unusual address?

Anonymous said...

For some reason Uncle John, Aunt Evelyn and Kathy had an address that I've never forgotten:

2933 Northeast 32nd Avenue
Portland, OR.

Uncle Lynn