Monday, August 18, 2008

What do you think?

Two friends (Alabamians lest you wonder who) regularly send me forwards of this nature: "send this to ten friends in the next ten minutes to receive ten blessings or curses if you don't forward." Well, that is a bit exaggerated and a bit misquoted, but my policy for this is to never forward such communications.
I find some good in them, but most of them are overly sentimental and a waste of time. Mary would say this is part of my German stoicism.
Recently I got on a regular e-mail site to make me more aware of the erroneous messages that permeate the air waves. My daughters will appreciate that as too often I let them decipher the false from the true. And, by the way, we are still indebted to Drake for alerting us several years ago to be cautious on these forwards.
This weekend a communication arrived from one of the above two friends about Kay Arthur prognosticating a famine. Well, also this weekend Snope came through saying that that pronouncement is partly false. But Kay was vindicated as she did not claim the special revelation that was attributed to her. I am always wary of special revelations from God!
Sharing thoughts for whatever they might be worth if anything. Mim


KRH said...
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Eric - Retta said...

I always try to verify with snopes before I forward anything. If I really like the email and want to forward it, but it adds the forward and be blessed/cursed at the bottom, I simple click forward and then go to the bottom and delete that part before I send it out. Quite frankly, adding that at the bottom really gripes me! It takes a sweet sentiment and trashes all the warm fuzzies for me! Just my opinion...RK

Anonymous said...

AM (Aunt Mim),
I agree 100%. Kathleen and I have mutually agreed to not forward these types of emails, of which we receive many. Many, of themselves are heart-warming and inspiring and we do read them, but we can often predict the ending where we will be told we will be punished or inferior in some way if we do not forward. Sometimes, I will forward the nice content, but simply erase/delete the final paragraph.

Anonymous said...

FYI--The deleted comment was a spam by someone with a name unknown to us. I was curious and asked Ann.