Friday, August 22, 2008

Amazing trick

I don't want to start of chain of novelties on the blog but thought that with many of our members being very good with numbers -- U. Jerry, Drake, Jason, Aaron, etc., I am posting an unbelievable mind-reading game. I would like math teacher Jerry, or anyone else, to try to explain how it works.

1) Go to the link below. After reading each window, click on the
boy in the lower right corner of the picture.

2) In the last window type in your answer in the white box using
the Keyboard (there is NO cursor).

3) Watch the paper in the boy's hand. You will be amazed. And
no, I don't know how it's done. Cleve
Go to:


LynnK said...

This is quite amazing! The boy got my number right in two out of two attempts. Perfect record.

This is a brain stormer. Hopefully Jerry, or someone, can come up with the inside story.

Cathy said...

the digits always add up to 18, but I couldn't tell you why.

Cathy said...

I take that back. But I think when you add the digits, the sum must be divisible by 9.

Ada said...

Oh my goodness----Professor Harry Hill would really be disappointed in Lynn, Alice, Perry, and Ada----and perhaps many more of the non-mathmatical Klops

Just to give you time to think back----did the old Prof ever talk about "Cassting Out Nines" ?

Cathy, brilliant observation, only go one step futher to "nine'!!! (Hint:-- 18== 1+8= 9 divided by 9 = 0)


Ada said...

SORRY -- meant to say 9 divided by 9 = 1.


Cathy said...

I was never taught casting out nines. For all you other dumb Klops, here is a link that explains it . . .

Ada said...

Jerry dug into his memory and remembered the "casting out nines" and came up with the following for the answer to the problem. He did this without going to the website that Cathy gave us. I am copying this from a word doc - don't know how it will transfer or if it will make any more sense than the website, but here goes:


The solution to this problem uses two concepts of arithmetic. One of them you are familiar with and maybe not the second:

1) You add to check if you have subtracted correctly, and

2) There is a method of checking addition and subtraction
called “Casting out nines”.

Here we go:::::

Select a 3 or four digit number: 7931
Scramble that number: 3917

Subtracted the smaller from larger: 4014

Add the bottom two numbers (4014 + 3917) to check and you get the top number (this checks the accuracy of your original subtraction)

Choose a number (don’t let me see it) (4) so now it is (?)014

The problem is: 7931----add the digits 7+9+3+1= 20 cast out nines remainder is 2
3917----add the digits 3+9+1+7= 20 cast out nines remainder is 2

(?)014---add the digits (?)+0+1+4= 5

Add the bottom two numbers (5+2) and you get 7

5 + 2 = 7---so 7 plus what will equal 2 (the top number) after you cast out 9---answer 4

casting out nine 7 + 4 == 11 cast out nine top number 2

So 4 is the missing number.

This does not show up well in this format, but if you are really interested, we could send you the actual word document via email.


Anonymous said...

So even though no women were listed in the Klops who are good with numbers it is interesting to note that both Cathy and Aunt Ada were instrumental in solving this. Thanks U. Jerry for answering it.

But the guy only got one of two correct for me. I chose 276, scrambled to 726, got 450 for the difference, circled the 4 and the program said I chose "1". It did, however, get 9 when I chose 514, but there was only 99 as the remainder.