Monday, July 21, 2008

Since we're talking milk. . .

In recent weeks you may have seen the new milk carton design either in stores or in the media. Stores and dairies like it because it is more stackable and will allow for less cost in transporting the milk. While watching a news clip about the new carton the reporter said the new design will save .20/gallon.

My friend (not Renae for those who know her) and I had a disagreement as to whether this was a significant savings or not. We figured this would be 5% on a $4.00 gallon of milk. One of us said 5% savings on a staple was huge and one of us said it was not much of a savings for the consumer.

So, what is your opinion? Is a 5% savings on milk significant?


Anonymous said...

I would say for Shelley, who buys eight gallons at a clique, saving $1.60 would be significant. But I am a product of the Great Depression and remember going uptown for a quart of milk
(not homogenized but that was good because one could skim the cream off the top for other purposes and, also not, pasteurized) for five cents. Also the rim was exposed and the paper cover fit down in a little groove. Bread was a dime a loaf. How times and people change! Mim--in case anonymous pops up.

Ada said...

I haven't seen the new cartons around here. If they're only at Walmart/Sam's, I won't be seeing them, because I'm boycotting them right now. I'd say 5% is fairly significant depending on how much milk you buy.

Nog Blog said...

Any particular reason for the boycott??

Anonymous said...

She gets the boycotting thing from me. I'm always boycotting some store or another. Or maybe I get it from her?!?

Shelley S said...

I am boycotting Walmart too... but not for political reasons. It's just inconvenient for me. The parking lot is a nightmare, I can NEVER find a kid cart, they are short staffed, and the last time I went there I waited in the check-out for 20 minutes (that was 20 minutes AFTER I started timing it). I may pay a little more at Meijers but I figure my time and sanity are worth something too. I'm curious though why Aunt Ada is boycotting them. Do share!

Ada said...

Recently when I was shopping at Walmart there was a lady in front of me who couldn't have gotten one more item in her cart. But all the other lanes had long lines of carts, so I figured this would go as good as any. When she finally started checking out, she had sale bills from every other store in town and expected them to "match prices" - which apparently they do. Now if I wanted something at the lower price, I would go to that store. At first, I was congenial, but after a half hour, my back hurt, I was tired and I had convinced myself that it isn't fair to the other customers to have that policy. If they can sell a product at that price to one person they should sell it at that price to another person. I tried hard not to get upset, but by the time they began checking my stuff, I wasn't very nice to the two girls checkingout and bagging my groceries. Since I told them I probably would not return, now I have to stay away! Shelley's right, the parking lot is a mess and the lines are long. I have never liked the new layout since they remodeled. Do you really want to hear more?