Monday, July 21, 2008

No pointed toes!

I've been thinking about the comment mom made some time ago about me walking with my toes pointed out, just like Grandma, her and Alice. I didn't think it was true when she wrote it, but recently I noticed when I walked past my grandfather clock, the reflection in the glass proves that it is true! Horror! So today as I walked in a hallway at work, seemingly alone, I forced my feet to walk straight. It didn't feel right, but I kept going. Then, right when I turned a corner, I tripped trying to walk that way, and someone saw me. I didn't fall down, just stumbled a bit, but still felt silly. Double horror!


Ada said...

Sorry! Why can't our children just inherit our good features! I also can't walk with my feet straight nor can I stand with my feet pointed straight. Look at it this way - it is better than being "pigeon toed".

Glad you didn't fall on your face:)

rk2 said...

I laughed when I read this. Thanks for giving me a laugh at work. I'm surprised how often I'll be walking and trip on my own feet!