Friday, July 25, 2008


We've been having much fun with Heat and Nathan. Since Ang never sent the pictures of the bean fields as promised, we walked across the street and took a couple here. Unfortunately, after dinner, Nathan fell on the kitchen floor and the result is a "fat lip". He recovered quickly and was ready to go to the park and walk around the block. Don't worry Mom and Dad, he's tough and if we mention it he just says "I'm ok".
Sorry, but I'm going to bore you all with pictures documenting our weekend.


Eric - Retta said...

wow, since I haven't been home since planting started, I didn't realize how small the beans still are. I remember in 1990 we walked beans the first week of August that were chest high. Not so in these pictures. Can you believe August is only a week a way?

Nog Blog said...

I remember that summer too...we had been on a 5 week vacation out west and came home to weedy beans. Dave insisted we get out and clean it up, but I think we tore a lot of beans out plowing through the thick, tall beans plucking out the taller corn and weeds. The beans in the picture are a good-looking field compared to some this year, nice and green and healthy, but wonder if they will mature enough before the frost gets them.