Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Feeding 6!

I long for the day when my fridge looks like Judy's! Not crowded and didn't cost to much to fill. We usually get groceries twice or more a week, and people still say there's nothing to eat. It is a struggle to keep food in the house. You'll notice the milks are both almost gone. Never fear, there are two more in the garage fridge, which we use for overflow!

I threw in a pic of Nay so you can see what he's usually like. Sticky and happy! :) Tonight he earned this treat for eating all of his dinner!


Anonymous said...

Angela: Your fridge looks great.
Growing up, my mom would struggle with what to buy and would always ask us what we wanted but we sort of ignored her. I always try now to realize how hard you ladies work to keep food in the house, not to mention the labor in constantly cooking meals. Kathleen and I do make breakfast TOGETHER, however. I make the toast and then she scrapes it. (When I cook, we use the smoke-alarm as a "timer").

Nog Blog said...

I remember the days, Angela, when my fridge looked like your. I remember once coming back from Dave's in Fairbury completely loaded down with groceries. Casey picked a treat and started eating, came back later and got something else and ate that, chose a third thing...finally, he said, "I just can't eat all this in one day!" Ann, I had to explain to him, like your Andrew, that the idea is to make it LAST awhile! Cherish the days, because it is soon over...

Shelley S said...

Angela, I can relate to your milk comment. We go through over a gallon a day in our house. I was getting so sick of going to the store every-other day just for milk. We finally got an additional fridge in our garage now too, mainly for milk storage. I bought 6 gallons yesterday afternoon and we have 4 left as of 9:00 this morning!