Saturday, May 31, 2008


I thought I had mentioned on the Blog about the bad storm we had I last Sunday night and how I was up half the night waiting for the tornado which thankfully never came. But I can't find such a post so I'm here anyway to report that Jerry has been working all week to clean the corn shucks off our yard. He's spent many hours with the grass-catcher trying to pick it all up. Today I helped him and we crawled around the yard on our hands and knees and pulled all the junk out from under all the bushes, then he mowed the entire yard again.

Guess what, just as he was finishing, the farmer across the street mowed the ditch and blew a new batch of debris across into our yard! I won't tell you what Jerry wanted to do!

Keep smiling!

1 comment:

Nog Blog said...

You did tell us about the storm in the comments under my post on Memorial Day. Mom and I saw your ditches full of stalks this week and I know Jerry already had a lot of it cleaned up by then. Of all the nerve...what a farmer! I had to picture in my mind...nope, Dave's fields aren't across from your yard.