Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Driver

Today was a big day in our family - our last daughter got her driver's license! Admittedly when the first two began driving on their own it was a big help, but now I've learned that once they start driving I rarely see them! Since she's the last, it's been hard on me to know I won't get to take her very many places any more. Plus, it's a reminder that I only have 2 more years with her before she's off on her own. She's very sweet, fun and easy to be around; such a joy and I'm so thankful.

p.s. We gratefully accept any prayers for her safety!


Nog Blog said...

Sure wish we knew your girls! From what I see, you have a beautiful family, Mary!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Judy. They are all beautiful - on the outside and on the inside and we're thankful for each one. I wish you all knew each other too! Time and distance are such big barriers.