Friday, April 18, 2008

Illinois earthquake felt by Klops

I'd like to hear some Klopfenstein 4/18 Earthquake stories. I was awakened from a deep sleep at 4:38 a.m. this morning from my house and bed shaking. It continued for 15-20 seconds longer. Unable to sleep, I checked CNN an hour later and it was pretty big news. Did any of you feel it as it happened...felt in at least 7 states.


Drake said...

I felt it. I was about to get up when I felt what I thought was Michelle shaking the bed. Maybe she was cratching an itch? Or had fidgety legs? I couldn't figure it out. I was about to say "what are you doing?" and then it kept going and going. Michelle's dead to the world most nights so I knew it couldn't be her.

Ann said...

Oh, you beat me to it! I was going to start a thread asking if any of my IL relatives felt it. They say it could be felt all the way to Atlanta, but I was dead to the world at 4:37 this morning.

About 3 years ago, though, we did have one about like the one this morning. I awoke thinking that one of my kids was trying to gently wake me up by rocking the bed gently, then I realized that as teenagers that's not the way they'd do it! That's when it registered that it was a quake. It's an unsettling feeling, isn't it!

Ada said...

Interesting. I did not feel anything. I do remember once in Dwight and once in Washburn feeling an earthquake and it was weird. You know, we are supposedly living on top of one of the US's biggest fault lines - one that could do major damage to Illinois!


Staci said...

I felt it! Had no idea it was really an earthquake until I saw this post! It woke me up out of bed. I thought one of the dogs had gotten out of the crate and was annoyingly scratching itself against my bed!

Staci said...

Wow, we just felt some aftershocks around 10:20 here in Eureka.

Anonymous said...

I was awakened at 5:40 EDT here in W. Michigan feeling as if my bed was liquid being swirled in a glass, but only once. At that point I knew I wasn't going back to sleep so I turned on the tv to find out the weather and start thinking about the day. Within a few minutes the anchor said, "If you felt a tremor about 10 minutes ago, you are not crazy."

Most people here said it lasted 30-40 seconds, but I felt only a couple seconds at most. Typically I'm pretty dead to the world when I sleep so most storms, wind, etc. don't wake me up.

I remember feeling an earthquake in Morton about 20 years ago. I was eating with friends on their patio. There daughter was in the bathroom and let's just say she got splashed.

Anonymous said...

I'm leaving my first blog comment-hope this comes through okay. I felt the earthquake this morning. I was downstairs in the recliner with little Joe and the shaking woke me up. We live in a 100+ year old house so there was a lot of creaking floors and rattling. All the kids slept through it. I woke up Sam and we turned on talk radio but there was no mention of it. I thought I was just crazy until I finally heard it confirmed on the news at 6:00am. I also felt the aftershock a little after 10:00am. Exciting stuff!

Shelley S.

Nog Blog said...

Well, Boo Hoo! Me, after practically bragging that I never sleep, was sound asleep on the couch this morning and felt nothing of any earthquake. I feel completely robbed!

Mama Runner said...

Brett & I both woke up thinking we heard a door slam (not sure what made that sound) and feeling the bed shake. We both thought earthquake, then both assumed it was the other rolling over. Didn't realize it was really a quake until we saw the news this morning.

Anonymous said...

I awakened shortly before 5 but can't say I consciously felt anything. The teenage niece of a friend of mine said she felt it in N. Alabama! Our news is saying people around here did feel it.
Judy, I loved your comment! You gave me a good laugh!

Anonymous said...

We did wake up about that time to the dog whining. Got up and let him out, but didn't know anything about the earthquake until one of the Michiganders who was in town at work asked me about it. Guess we slept through it here in Mid-Alabama.

Eric and Retta