Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hello again...

It's 5:15. Regardless of what the post says. I watched 1 1/2 episodes of Jon and Kate, Plus 8, and did fall asleep about 3:45. Woke up at 4:19...but stayed quiet and did fall back to sleep to a very vivid dream. We were in Peoria at some conference downtown. Very fancy place. Lots of people we knew. I had two friends in labor and I thought they should be looking for their husbands to take them to the hospital. But suddenly I was on the street in a very suspect neighborhood buying a newspaper out of a machine, when all the coins started pouring out into my hands. I couldn't possilby hold it all, it just kept pouring. There was a man in a booth nearby, but he just nodded his approval. I kept hollering for Dave, who was sitting in the car close by to come and help, but he just watched to see what I would do, I guess. There were scary people around I thought would rob me, but it seemed like everyone was excited for me and wanted me to get away with the loot. The coins soon became bills and I had hundreds of dollars in my hands and pockets. So we were getting ready to drive away, and we both said to the crowd, "We fully expect to be arrested." Before we got out of the intersection, sure enough, a little grey car backed up and blocked our way and out came the police. Busted! And voila...here I am awake again!

So now should I stay here and hope I get back to sleep only to be awakened when Dave comes out at 6, or go to bed and hope I fall to sleep after he gets up. (I'm still on the couch using my laptop.) Now I really could get up and start my day, but I'm too tired. So my nights go....just thought I'd share since many of you know that I am a terrible sleeper. AND I want to know if any of you suffer also and have any great ideas on remedies....

Oh yeah, my laboring girls stopped contracting after we walked around looking for their husbands...


LynnK said...

Welcome aboard!!! This morning, I awakened at 1; 3; and finally got up at 4! Amazing how much can be accomplished in the early, quiet morning. I like it. The afternoon doze is a welcome delight. Dream on.

Ada said...

WOW! What a dream! How did did you remember all that? I have some pretty crazy dreams but when I wake up and try to replay it, I can't do it.

I also have many sleepless nights. After laying there for a couple hours watching the clock, I finally get up and go to my computer where i play freecell, spider, or a bowling game on the Pantagraph website - until I can't hold my eyes open anymore then go back to bed and lay awake another hour before finally sleeping.

This week I've been sleeping good -- I guess Nathan is wearing me out!

Ann said...

It's those crazy hours you work. Mike has a terrible time sleeping because of his swing shift. It takes him a couple of weeks to get "turned around" after coming off night shift, and by then it's time to go back on it. He says people his age weren't meant to work night shift.

Of course, that means my sleep is interrupted too, what with all his thrashing around, getting up, etc. He says I snore, but I don't believe it--have NEVER heard it! Sometimes I just get up and go to the empty room.

Anonymous said...

Try taking a NyQuil Nighttime capsule (or 2). It will knock you out, but nurse Kathleen says it probably shouldn't be taken unless you actually have a cold, etc. Or, don't do it every night of the year, of course. I'm like Ada, I get up and work on the computer or pay some bills in my office (and I cannot recall dreams either). And, like U.Lynn, I then opt for an afternoon nap if the nighttime hours awake become extreme -- one of the luxuries of retirement.
Lastly, I've never respected these people who get up at the crack of 5:00 a.m. and condemn those who sleep til 8:00. I've discovered that they also are asleep in their recliner by 9 p.m. Kathleen and I often are up til midnight or beyond and then will sleep til 8 and we no longer apologize for it!
Whatever floats your boat. I'm just amazed, Judy, at how you can keep going so strong with so little sleep.

Maria said...

I never knew insomnia was a Klopfenstein trait. I've always slept like a log until pregnancy. Now I'm usually awake at least an hour most nights. I guess I can think of the rest of you during those times!

Staci said...

Judy I must be just like you. I am a very light sleeper and can just pop up out of bed whenever I wake up. For the last few months I'm awake about every hour and not because of the babies!

I also love Jon & Kate plus 8!

Ann said...

Hey Cleve--take the liquid stuff. It's got pure alcohol in it that the capsules don't. Works great--

Mama Runner said...

I always remember my dreams. I had a doozy a few weeks ago. I was in labor lying in the middle seat of our van, and the baby was coming. Brett was on the radio with air traffic control saying, "Be advised we won't make the designated hospital. Please give us a new vector for a closer one." ATC replied, "Turn to heading 115 for approach to closer hospital." Meanwhile, Mom was in the backseat screaming, "Push it back in! We're not to the hospital yet!" Weird.

I have occasional bouts of insomnia, but regular running has made a huge difference in the quality of my sleep.

Nog Blog said...

Yes, Staci, I too can totally wake up in an instant...and feel OK. Thankfully I can survive on very little sleep, as my family has seen.

Most of my dreams I do not remember - except that I am always somewhere away from home, on vacation, at a beach, etc.

Thanks for all the ideas - keep them coming! I do have to be careful what I take...often it brings on "restless legs"...a whole other subject!

Anonymous said...

John and Kate Plus 8 is one of the only shows Nathan will watch!

Anonymous said...

I'm often awake at night for a couple of hours . . . . I go to sleep fine, then wake up and immediately my brain kicks into action, sometimes with random thoughts, sometimes with essential things I have to remember to do the next day. But I've read that rest is 70% of sleep so I try to just lie there and pray if I can or if I'm too foggy to just relax!

A doctor once told me to eat some protein before I go to bed (walnuts or almonds or something like that - no carbs) b/c it's often a plunge in blood sugar, then adrenalin kicks in to make up for it; hence, the mental activity. It seems like it helps (when I remember).

As far as dreams - I usually dream I'm still in college and I'm hoping one of these days I can graduate for good!

p.s. I took liquid Nyquil when I was sick after Christmas and loved the way it put me to sleep!

Nog Blog said...

Mzry, that's exactly it! Suddenly awake, and my mind is racing, along with the song, of course. I did eat some peanuts last night before bed...maybe that's why I slept most of the night...interesting.