Monday, April 28, 2008

A Busy Weekend

I'm exhausted from a very busy weekend. First, Kelsie had Prom on Saturday night. For those of you with girls who went to prom, you know that it takes about 6 hours of working on hair, nails, makeup, etc. She went with a nice boy named Eric who she knows from church. He goes to Normal Community, so they went to U-High's prom this weekend and then will go to his prom next weekend. (Ugh...that means we have to go through that whole hair and nails thing again in only a week!) We went to the Grand March, which is when all the couples parade across the stage so everyone can see their outfits. I like seeing all the girls, and the additional showing makes all the parents feel like we get a little bit more for our money! The kids went on to Destihl for dinner, then to the dance at Miller Park Pavillion, and then to a school-organized party at ISU. The girls all came back here afterwards where they giggled the rest of the night/morning. Breakfast was at 8 (waffles) and then we moved into preparing for Heater's baptism and confirmation. My mom & dad; Jason & Janice & boys, Jerry's parents; and Heater's mentor, Julie, all attended the service and then came to our house for lunch and visiting. It was such a good weekend, but it was all alot of work for me, so I decided to take Monday off, to hang out with myself!


Anonymous said...

Ang - hope you enjoyed your well-deserved day off!

Ann said...

Two beautiful girls!!! Wow--I would be in the bed after a weekend like that.