Sunday, February 24, 2008

Regarding the plaque in the dining room - the sayings were:

Do nothing you would not like to be saying when Jesus comes.

Say nothing you would not like to be saying when Jesus comes.

Go to no place you would not like to be found when Jesus comes.

All very good teachings! I must say to this day I find myself thinking of them if I'm doing something, saying something, or am at someplace that might be undesireable. Helps to keep me in check!

I remember learning these lines plus a couple other bible verses that were hanging in Dad and Mother's bedroom. I was probably 4 or 5 years old and would crawl into bed with Dad sometimes for a bit before going to my bed and we would say the verses - everyother word - sometimes he would begin and sometimes I would begin. It was fun and I thought I was so smart. Precious Memories!

1 comment:

Nog Blog said...

I can picture the plaque hanging on the wall, and remember it always convicted me. I had to think a little to remember what it did say, but did finally come up with it.

Ada, I loved to hear about you and Grandpa snuggling in bed reading Bible verses. I can barely remember Grandpa, and have always mostly heard that he was stern, serious, and somewhat formidable. (I looked that word up and it means of great strength, causing fear, intimidating...) Your
memories make him much warmer and loving than I had imagined him. Thanks for sharing...

Judy K