Saturday, February 2, 2008

Need more family bloggers

Good post, Ann.
And good post, U. Perry. Your current living room is sure getting the publicity -- it would be interesting if those walls could talk. I recently was telling my 5 yr.-old grandson bedtime stories so I told him the true story of our childhood Christmas's in that living room. During my years from about 1954-58, after dark and during the peak of the Christmas present-opening time at the huge family gathering, SOMEONE would go outside and tap on the West window. All the adults would whisper it was Santa Claus and the kids would scream. I was old enough to know that Santa was not real but could not, to this day, ever figure out who it was. I always suspected either U.Perry or U.Lynn. Perhaps someone could confess on this blog. Grandson Caleb said that is now his "favorite" story.

It appears some EJK children, nephews, nieces, cousins, etc. are not enrolled in this blog. This includes A. Alice, Larry, Mark, Bruce, etc., etc. Can they be pursuaded?


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