Sunday, February 24, 2008

In the Wetzel's mail!

Jerry was very excited yesterday when he came home from work. He said something he had been waiting on had finally come in the mail. Yes, Lynn's memoir has arrived! While we haven't had time to get through it all (that will take awhile!), we have skimmed through it and found it to be very interesting. I didn't know Lynn's kids walked to school with John (Johnny) Capasso! I didn't know some of Lynn's kids were born in Bloomington. I didn't know my grandpa's announcement of my mom's birth was "J-U-L-Y = B-A-B-Y." That would've been fun for us to have done it that way when we told everyone we were having Nathan! Anyway, good reading, Lynn! Congratulations on getting it done.

We're waiting for mom and dad to stop by tonight for dinner. They've gone to see Ralph and then will bring over Avanti's or something. Heather stopped by today. It's always good to see her. The bad part is that she needed me to buy her a $160 calculator! We tried to put Nathan in underwear this weekend, but it has failed miserably. I anxiously await the day he pees in the potty, and the night he stays in his own bed until morning. Here he comes now...I gotta go!


Anonymous said...

Some things I didn't know about my dad was that he had a high school sweetheart! But he makes it clear that Mom has been the apple of his eye since! Joey was interested in all the cars he was able to purchase in a very short time.
It's neat that Jerry was so excited about reading the memoir too . . . . - Mary

LynnK said...

Well the answer to Joey is tht I was single!!! My pockets jingled!!!

Mama Runner said...

Where can I get ahold of one of these? I'd love to read it, too.