Friday, February 22, 2008

Familiar setting at Homeplace

Here's another typical photo of Grandpa K, of whom without, none of us would even be a thought in anyone's mind. The picture is from the current dining room and hopefully the wall phone can be seen in the background.

Three trivia questions:

1. What was the home phone number (easy question!)
2. It appears a toy race-car is in his lap. Is this Christmas? Who's race-car was it and where is it now?
2. In this picture, a calendar appears on the wall above his head, but a spiritual plaque was there for many, many years. There were 3 spiritual sayings on the placque? The Plaque was thought-provoking and seen by all who entered through the front door. I discussed it many times during my Sunday School teaching. Uncle Perry still has it in his library at the Homestead. What were the 3 sayings on The Plaque?



Anonymous said...

I think the phone number was something different like Blue 4 or am I thinking about something else?

LynnK said...

Home phone was 4 Blue. Grain office phone was 20!