Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New Grandchild

My daughter, Melissa, gave birth on New Years Eve at 4:16PM to Isabel Margaret. Isabel would be a great-great-granddaughter of Anna and EJK. Ron and I drove from Springfield in a rush to get to Naperville to babysit Melissa's twin boys, Ethan and Noah. We ended up spending New Years Eve at the Comfort Inn in Pontiac because I-55 was just about impassable. We met Isabel about 9:30AM the following morning at Prentice Women's Hospital in downtown Chicago. Everyone is doing fine and Melissa seems to have a special talent for managing twin boys with a new baby. How wonderful to be able to share this news on our family blog.
Linda Fitzanko (daughter of Jay)


rk2 said...

Congratulations on the new granddaughter. I also remember Grandma K. saying "There has never been an ugly Klopfenstein baby."

Cathy said...

Awwwww - she is beautiful!!

Ann said...

She is a beautiful baby! Melissa will have her hands full--the twins are still fairly young, aren't they?