Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Picture Sharing

When I was at Gloria's I looked through some of her pictures. There were multiple copies of some of the old ones, so I snatched a few. I'll share a couple now and more later. I don't remember if they've appeared on the blog before or not, but I figure if I can't remember, you won't either! Enjoy!

Judy, Marty, Stan, Gloria
This would have been Easter morning in La Grange Park. On our way to the Sunnyside church in Chicago. Oh, the stories we tell of that weekly stop and go ride to church on Sundays. 

Judy, Marty, Stan, Cleve, Gloria, David
This was Christmas morning, 1956. Notice the bar brace on baby David's shoes. He wore that for a few months to correct a dislocated hip. 


Ann said...

I don't think these have been posted before. Even so, better twice than not at all!! Great pics. Thanks for posting.

clevekath said...

I well remember those settings and your recollections of the times. Thanks for posting. Catherine Jane not born yet!