Monday, October 5, 2015

He is much better!

Progress today since Lynn's illness several weeks ago:

1.  He made the coffee this morning.
2.  He went out to the street to get the newspaper.
3.  He checked the rain gauge on the deck.
4.  He was hungry.
5.  He ate a big bowl of pop corn this evening.

These are all firsts since September 10.  We are very grateful for the improvement.
Keep on praying for him--and his nurse!
We love you all!


clevekath said...

Glad to hear the report. We'll keep praying, you guys keep reporting.

Nog Blog said...

Well, this is all good news and steps in the right direction. Thanks for the good report!

Perry said...

We are glad to hear of the "moving forward." God bless you both! ---Carol