Thursday, December 25, 2014

Somebody Told His Mom a Lie!!

Somebody told his mom that he couldn't get home until January (and originally, he wasn't going to be able to).  But look what Santa Claus brought!!  Andrew has known that this was going to work out for a month or more.  He had his sister in on the surprise, as well as several of his good friends.  So yesterday I was washing my hair in the kitchen sink, of all things, when his good friend comes by to say hello, which he usually does at Christmas, and that he has a Christmas present for us in the garage.  So we walked outside, and there stood Andrew!  What a Christmas surprise!!


Nog Blog said...

So exciting!! Have a great holiday with ALL your family!

And it took me 5 tries to prove I am not a robot. Very hard to read the words!

clevekath said...

What a surprise, and what a great way to pull it off. One you will never forget!

Perry said...

That was by far your best Christmas present! I'm happy for you that it worked out. ---Carol