Friday, October 31, 2014

Pass the shell

If you were in attendance and very observant at the Klopfenstein Reunion at Paul Klopfenstein's you may have noticed Mary Medlen pass me something!  

On Spring Break in 1994, Ada and I knowing that retirement was soon a reality, spent the week on the beautiful island of Antigua where Mary was a teacher at a college.  Antiguan is a beautiful island in the Caribbean.  The island is beautiful beyond belief!   Rhoda joined us for part of the week that held many wonderful memories. ( Remember girls, Jerry about drowns learning to scuba dive....we have to push Mary's car up the hill). 

On the last morning there, Ada I and took a walk on one of the many wonderful white sandy beaches.   The beaches are  covered with millions of shells that wash up from the ocean.  As I was walking, I reached down and pick one up.  There was nothing special about this shell, but over time it has become very special!!   Before we left Mary for the last time, I showed her the shell and said I would keep it in my pocket with my change and every time I looked at it, I would think of her and pray for her!!   Then the next time our paths cross, I would give it to her and she should do the same, when she sees it in her change purse, she should say a prayer for me!!  

So, for 20 years now the shell has gone back and forth several times, while each of us prayers for the other!   Since, the shell is in my possession ,  and it is the 20th anniversary,  I thought I would share our secret  with the rest of the family.

At the reunion this past summer, the shell was in Mary's possession, I was wondering if she had forgot.   While we were going through the food line, I sat at the table.  As Mary and Joey walked by our table, Mary very discreetly laid the shell by my plate!!  Now I have it until we meet again.

You are asking yourself, what happens to it at the END?   Who ever is in possession of the shell is to hang on to it until we meet on a "street of gold" where we will hug and pass it for the  last time to the other one!  

A picture of the shell is below next to a quarter to put the size in perspective. 

A very special relationship between a Uncle and special Niece!    Love you Mary!!


Nog Blog said...

Love that!

MaryM said...

Uncle Jerry, thank you for this tribute to our little ritual! It brought tears to my eyes! I'll save it as a good historical account of how it came to be. Your visit to Antigua is a great memory and I'll never forget you guys having to push my car up that steep hill - found out later about a mechanical problem that was actually an easy fix.

We're grateful for the prayers - and need them now as Joey has been pretty sick the past couple of weeks (he's now showing good improvement). We always look forward to seeing you and Aunt Ada. This weekend I was remembering how you guys surprised me for my 50th birthday party a few years ago! Thank you for the love & support all these years. Much love to you both!

clevekath said...

I think it is neat when people do anything out of the ordinary. And that longstanding commitment surely was and is extraordinary.
Thanks for sharing it.