Friday, June 13, 2014

Jonas update

Jonas is 3 1/2 weeks old.  Milan is 2.  Alice is 4.  Maria is the blessed mother of 6.  ---Carol


Ann said...

Love the pic of Alice with the teddy in one arm and her real baby brother in the other. Precious children. Thank you, Carol, for posting the pictures.

clevekath said...

All the kids look happy and healthy. Even Jonas looks happy, despite being in that straight-jacket in picture #1.

Maria said...

Yes, Cleve, I swaddle my babies tight! The original picture was taken sideways, with Jonas laying down, which makes the straight-jacket look much less severe. Grandma of course turned it so you could see his face better.

Nog Blog said...

Jonas looks just like Milan! Cute kids, all of them!

Shelley S said...

So adorable! I'd say Jonas has the same 'look' as the other kids. Sam's grandma would always say "you can tell they were baked in the same oven". Ha ha!

clevekath said...

Shelley: A very good and funny statement and I'll be using it in the future.