Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I wish all
of you would post something more often. PLEASE?? It doesn't have to be anything "important" - I just like to see new posts. Yesterday I worked on the quilt most of the day. My back got very stressed, so Jerry and I spent some time in the hot tub. The jets feel so good on my back. This small tub has been in our basement for about 15 years and it is still running well. Of course, we only use it from late October until we head to Florida. Then we refill it when we get home and empty it again around the end of March. Today, I plan to put the border around the quilt. We have beautiful snow on the ground this morning - but we are getting very tired of snow!! Hope you all have a wonderful day.


Ada said...

Sorry, the pics were supposed to be at the bottom - don't know what happened!!

LynnK said...

Thank you for the post. The quilts reflect your expertise!!! You create beautiful quilts and many other finery items. I always appreciate your posting of some of these creations!
Generally, I am a man of few words and that may be a reason why I don't post more often. But you have a good idea--even seemingly insignificant expressions are "of interest".

Perry said...

I am more of a commenter than a poster. I surely thought that hot tub looked nice, and can give comfort.

clevekath said...

Ditto, the thoughts on getting more posts...from the younger Klops also, please.