Monday, September 16, 2013

Carol's Dad

Did you all know that Carol's dad, Robert Miller, passed away last week?   His funeral was Sunday afternoon.  He had been in failing health for some time, but apparently had a heart attack and death came several hours later.  He and his wife, Pearl, lived in Portland, Oregon for many years.   In fact, Carol grew up in Portland and four of her siblings are still in the Portland area.  Robert walked closely with the Lord for over seventy years and was an inspiration to many.  Now he is "absent in the body and present with the Lord."


Nog Blog said...

Thank you for posting this, Aunt Mim. We have been thinking of them all week.

Perry said...

Thank you, Mim! Perry and I just arrived home this morning. The link to see Dad's obituary and picture is: Thank you for your prayers! Love, Carol

rk2 said...

"continued to bless all those who knew him with his loving and gentle spirit. He was a man who not only knew the scriptures, but lived by them."

What a wonderful memory comment about your father, Carol.

I have been thinking of you after hearing about this over the weekend.