Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 4th - Some of LCK Family

Last week I drove over to Mom and Dad's with a stop at all the siblings. I call it one of my trips in which I drive more miles than spend minutes with family, but I certainly had a great time.

This was indicative of July 4th in the Southeast. Rain, rain, rain. Dad, Mom, Mary Lee, Renae (who was with me on the trip), and I drove from Anderson to Mark and Molly's for the afternoon and dinner. Mark did a great job grilling in the rain. Two of Mark's children were with friends for the day and Jeff was indisposed when I took this picture of our indoor picnic.

I also got to spend time with Ann while at Mom and Dad's and then we stopped for a couple of nights in Madison with Joey and Mary. Today it's back to my job of finding a job.


Nog Blog said...

It's too bad it rained, but being with family was the main thing, and it sounds like you made the rounds! Glad you had a safe trip with all the miles on the road.

clevekath said...

I could almost smell the good aroma coming from Mark's nice patio and his grilling. Glad you could have a good, safe trip to see the family....always a good investment.

clevekath said...

I could almost smell the good aroma coming from Mark's nice patio and his grilling. Glad you could have a good, safe trip to see the family....always a good investment.