Friday, July 5, 2013

July 4th Cleve's Surprise

We enjoyed the hike to see Cleve's surprise.  Here's a few photos.  ----Carol


rk2 said...

Love seeing these pictures of what looks like a very fun day. Would love some explanation of the surprise and where the hike went to.

Ann said...

Definitely my husband's kind of place!! We need to get there to see it some time!

clevekath said...

Here's a brief explanation. Behind the dam of the lake on which we have a "cabin" lies a beautiful wooded 11 acres running parallel to a rocky-bottom creek. The owner built an authentic "log cabin" next to the creek, complete with many animal bones, old artifacts & antiques inside and a genuine covered wagon and a 1890 horse-drawn wagon, horse-hitch, etc. nearby. He even built an old walking bridge over the creek and a covered bridge coming back over the creek. Before lunch, I announced that for anyone wanting to take a surprise hike later in the afternoon ("about 1 block"), we'll be going to this site. Well, most of us went and my description of "1 block" was in- advertently slightly understated. Some got a little tired as there was a hill to walk up getting back to our cars. Anyway, it's a neat setting, taking one back to the Abraham Lincoln pioneer days and the owner loves to have people walk there and "go back in time". Over the years, I have found several very nice Indian arrowheads in the creek. I apologize to those of you who got a little tired and winded with the "hike".