Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Good News Tonight!!

Don't want to take away from all the Christmas gatherings posts, but we just got some good news and I've got to share it.  Many of you know that Mike has been on a rotating shift for his entire 23 years at the nuclear station.  It has taken its toll over the years, both because of being on nights - so hard on him to get "turned around" - and because of missing many big events, such as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year.  He just called me from work - as of June he will be transferred to a straight day shift job.  Not sure what it is, but it has something to do with preparing the work for when units are offline for refueling.  No nights, rarely weekends.  We are grateful and glad!!


Ada said...

Yes, that IS good news for both of you. You'll just have to be patient for a few more months. Love to you both.

Perry said...

I'm so glad for you and Mike, Ann! I can't imagine how people do it when their sleeping patterns are not constant. This change will be really nice for both of you.---Love, Carol

Nog Blog said...

Oh, do I know the woes of night shift and the effects it has on the worker and the entire family. I'm excited for Mike and for you!