Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas at Perry's

The Corda Roy's Bean Bag Bed/Chair was a gift to Perry and me from our children.  It will be handy for extra sleeping space when they are all here.  Such a good idea!  The Emch family arrived Sunday night about 10:30 and left this morning.  The Endress family arrived Monday afternoon about 4:30 and left yesterday afternoon at 5.  Brandon and Preston managed to take apart our old ping-pong table which was stored in the furnace room and re-assemble it in the garage.  It was in use much of the time.  Yesterday, the children decided to have a restaurant for lunch.  They printed up menu options and took our orders and served us and even cleaned up!  The left overs of  all the previous meals were the choices and it worked out great.  Anna thought of having cups with crayons and paper for the little ones to use while they waited to be served their food.  Later, they called us out to the garage where they re-enacted the nativity story.  They were so creative in their custumes and Milan in the box as the baby Jesus was quite adorable.  I wish I could post the video I took but it probably wouldn't work since I am so tech impaired.  I smile at what a creative bunch they are.  The house is quiet now and Grandma is sad.  No matter how much work it is with all the food prep, I always want them to stay longer. --- Carol


Nog Blog said...

Your abilities are admirable, Carol. You are a hostess of great grace. I heard you served up 122 plates of food the few days your family was home...and that didn't include the delicious meal you served some of us. I hope you can catch your breath and rest up a few days! The idea of the kids taking orders, preparing, serving and cleaning up the noon meal was ingenious! Fun for them, and YOU had a chance to sit down!

Ann said...

Ditto to everything Nog Blog said!! Glad you had such a wonderful time with your children and grandchildren.

MaryM said...

I'm glad you were all able to be together. As our children get older, it gets harder to coordinate everyone's schedules. Then bad weather threatened to come through south of us, so everyone had to scatter early. Disappointing, but we did enjoy the time we had.