Tuesday, December 25, 2012


We had a great day at the Christensen house today. The family was all here except Jerry Wetzel. For those of you who might not know, Jerry, Angela, and Nathan are to Jacksonville Florida. We are sad to have them move, but are happy for them as they have wanted to make this move for years and it has finally become a reality.

Angela, Jerry, Kelsie, Nathan and I will leave Friday morning to complete the move. We will be taking a truck, Ang's car, and our car - four drivers, three vehicles, and one child. Perhaps you could say a few prayers for us on Friday and Saturday; we would appreciate it. We will probably stay a day or two there, then head on to our condo in Indian Rocks Beach and are looking forward to some sun, beach, and relaxation.

7 am Christmas morning - whipping up the famous Heavenly Hash!

Looks good enough to eat, right? Yummy!
Heater was home for the weekend and is now living with an aunt in Elgin and attending a Hair-styling school there. Note that her long hair is cut short, but still looks cute. Grace is a typical eighth grader and growing into quite a young lady.
The boys spent most of the day in the basement and it sounded like they were having a great time down there. Fortunately I got them to sit still for a few minutes and take their picture. Left to right: Zac, Noah, Owen, Miles, and Nathan.
L/R: Trenton, Heather, Angela, Janice, Jason.
L/R: Kelsie, Drake, Michelle
If you don't know this old  couple, you really don't have any business reading this blog! :)
We were able to Skype with Jerry - I think he's lonesome and ready for his family to join him!!
Kelsie has recently returned from her semester in Thailand where she had a wonderful experience. We were all glad to see her home safely - and she was equally glad to be with all of us again. She's a sweetheart. I'm tired now and ready to "hit the hay"!!

1 comment:

Ann said...

Thoroughly enjoyed your pictures. I love it when various family members post pics of their Christmases! Hope you have a safe trip, and you will be in our prayers.