Friday, November 30, 2012

I've not posted for awhile - life has been pretty routine around here with nothing special going on in our lives. I have been busy as usual with my quilting and generally "playing" with my sewing machine. We both have the pleasure of retirees who can do "what we want when we want"! It's great, but can also be a little boring at times.
As you may have heard, the Wetzels are moving to Jacksonville Florida. Jerry will leave next Monday or Tuesday with a truck-load and Angela will go after Christmas. He has a job with State Farm at the Corporate offices in J'ville and Angela is working with the company in transferring to a job there also. They are very excited, and we are praying for a smooth transition and settling in. It will be quite an adjustment for them and for us.
Here are a few pictures - I'm really into the Christmas Season this year.
 We had a surprise dinner party for Ang and Jerry - inviting 3 couples for dinner. We were able to squeeze 14 around our table that seats 12 comfortably. Had delicious (if I do say so myself) Italian Beef with a variety of side-dishes. Also had peppermint ice cream with home-made hot fudge for dessert along with caramels, p/b rice krispie balls, and thumbprints.
 I got some new decorations for the mantle this year.
 Family by the tree - not the greatest picture but it'll have to do.
 The gang: Angela and Jerry, Jay/Heidi Kiefer, Brandon/Sonia Endress, and Dave/Poppen.
And last, but not least: Heather and Trenton. For those of you who haven't heard the latest with Heather - she was recently promoted to the position of General Manager of a brand-new Chipotle restaurant which will be opening for business in a couple weeks. She has been driving to Peoria every day for several weeks and is interviewing/hiring her staff as well as getting everything finalized in stocking the new store and all that goes with it. And then - there's Trenton. We are just getting to know him and finding him to friendly, pleasant, and might I say "handsome".


clevekath said...

Kathleen and I will be checking out Chipotle as soon as they open. That's exciting to have Heather as the manager. Your house, Ada, looks very nicely decorated. Where was the Bambino?

clevekath said...

Kathleen and I will be checking out Chipotle as soon as they open. That's exciting to have Heather as the manager. Your house, Ada, looks very nicely decorated. Where was the Bambino?

clevekath said...

Oh, yea. I now see the Bambino....I should have known. Smiling and having fun, as usual. I have no idea why my comments come in twice. Bear with me.

Ada said...

We'll meet you at Chipotle sometime, Cleve. Not my favorite food, but it's edible.

Nog Blog said...

Ada - Loved your decorations, especially the mantle!

Jerry and Angela - Best wishes on your move! You know you'll be getting some Northern visitors from time to time, right?

Heather - Good luck on your career! Restaurant management is demanding and takes great customer service. Obviously Chipotle has great faith in you!

Nog Blog said...

Ada - Loved your decorations, especially the mantle!

Jerry and Angela - Best wishes on your move! You know you'll be getting some Northern visitors from time to time, right?

Heather - Good luck on your career! Restaurant management is demanding and takes great customer service. Obviously Chipotle has great faith in you!