Sunday, July 15, 2012

RDK Summer Event

On Friday evening, July 6, the RDK family gathered at Gloria's house for a summer get-together. It was 100+ degrees, but we had ample room inside with wonderful air conditioning for the adults.

Cleve and Marty enjoy conversation
A rare opportunity for a shot of Gloria's entire family.
Joe, Jamie, Jodie, Dave
Dean, Gloria, Emma, Benjie

The kids ate outside on a fun hand-drawn art "blanket" designed by Gloria.

All it took was a little water to keep the kids cool and happy.

Thanks, Gloria, for a very nice summer evening!


Ann said...

Great pics! Thanks! How did you put those captions on there and make the white rectangles different sizes?

Ada said...

Loved the pictures. So nice of Gloria to host your family like this. And I'm glad you were all able to keep cool in this awful hot weather!!

I was also wondering how you did those pictures???

Alice said...

Looks like you all had a lot of fun in spite of the heat.
Enjoyed the pictures.
Good to see Jamie and family.

Nog Blog said...

I don't know about the rest of you, but sometimes this blog has a mind of its own! When I went to New Post...the entire system was different and this was the result. None of the fancy work was my doing, but I looks nice!