Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Journal Entry

My seniors turned in their last set of journal entries last week, and #91 was titled "Graduation."  This was what one girl turned in.  The first part will be a little boring, but I thought you'd enjoy reading the last part.  Don't know how Dad will feel about being termed "adorable," but maybe it won't bother him too much.  :-)
Journal #91  Graduation -
I'm so excited about graduation!  High school has been fun, but I'm ready to go.  I'm ready to have more freedom and sleep during summer vacation.  I'm also excited about making new friends.  Senior trip is going to be so fun!  I'm so excited to go to Washington!  Mr. Klopfenstein (your dad) is going to do such a great job at graduation!  I'm so glad he's speaking.  We all love him so much.  He is so adorable and full of wisdom.  It's going to be a great conclusion to a fantastic year.


Ann said...

I also thought it was kinda funny that she felt the need to identify "Mr. Klopfenstein" as "your dad."

Nog Blog said...

I'd say that's a great description of Uncle Lynn!

clevekath said...

The girl has a good start on her own wisdom in recognizing that Uncle Lynn has good wisdom. Smart girl. Wish we could be there!