Friday, February 17, 2012

Square Dancing

Who remembers the great days of Square Dancing? Be honest, didn't we all learn to square dance at one time or another in our lives? Maybe is was at a party, out on the range or in the dreaded PE class. Does anyone still square dance anymore? I'll be honest, since square dancing in PE in grade school, under the tutelage of Ms. Barb Ringger, I don't think I've had the opportunity to put my skills back into action.

Why, you many ask, am I talking about square dancing. Well, let me tell you. I was recently asked to join the School Board of a small upstart Christian School here in Olney (East Orchard Christian Academy). Monday was the first board meeting that I attended and I was invited to "Come early & enjoy the square dancing". I was unable to go early, but luckily the local paper captured the fun on video. See the video here! On of the boys, Alex, was terrified that it was being taped and mouthed to his mother (off camera) to "Save me please" every time he got spun around to face her.

Now, doesn't that bring back fond memories? No really, what memories of square dancing or PE overall do you have? Do you look back on PE as that dreaded class, or did you enjoy it? What were some of the "non-mainstream" activities that your teachers used to fill the time called "PE"?

Regarding the school board, wish me luck. I'm the first male board member and the only one on the board without kids in the school. I'm excited about the ministry, the kids & the challenge!



Nog Blog said...

Guess it would be pretty traumatic to a boy just beginning to care about something like that being seen. They must have been practicing for awhile, though, as they all did pretty good. I, too, learned square dancing from Barb Ringger. What I hated in PE was dodgeball. We had boys like Kevin Yergler and Marlin Hendren who threw the ball as hard as they could. I learned to get in front of a girl with the ball and get hit by her and then just be glad I was out!

Ada said...

Cute video - they didn't look very excited about the dancing, but seemed to know what they were doing. I LOVED square-dancing and other forms of dancing in Jr Hi and Hi School.

Today we were down in DC and had a some ice cream at a Johnny Rocket's. They were playing good old rock-n-roll from the 50's, and my mind was filled with memories of the many sock-hops in the old Gridley gym following home baskeball games. All us girls in our "full skirts" with "can-cans" under them, saddle shoes, sweaters with a small neckscarf around the neck. (sometimes those neckscarves were used for hiding things - ha ha - figure that one out!)

As far as PE goes, I never liked it very much as I was never very athletic. For example I backed away when the volleyball came to me, couldn't hit a softball for anything, etc. etc.

Ann said...

I never square danced in my PE class career - guess they didn't do as much of that in the south - but I HATED PE. The teacher makes such a huge difference. Had I ever had a teacher that cared about bringing along the non-athletes and helping them reach some potential as well, I might have had a different perception of it.

Nog Blog said...

Ada - I was well aware of your scarf-hiding tactics, and your mother wasn't dumb about it either. I remember a couple of times that you were scolded about it. I'm surprised she ever let you out of the house again!

Nog Blog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nog Blog said...

Oops, duplicate.

rk2 said...

I remember in second grade doing some routine with boys and girls being paired up but there must have been 80-100 kids doing it so it wasn't square dancing. I just remember being paired with Tommy Thompson and NOT being happy about that.

Unlike the others, I enjoyed PE through the years and would have considered being a PE major if it weren't for gymnastics. Several years ago a physical therapist said I am the most inflexible person she'd ever seen which is proof of why I was never fond of gymnastics.