Monday, January 9, 2012

Two Questions

It's not too late after Christmas to consider the following questions. I always enjoy reading what people have to say for these two topics - most folks' answers not only cause the reader to learn much about them, but also are really good stories!!!

So, with that as a preamble:

1. What is one of the best gifts you've ever received; and

2. What is one of the best gifts you've ever given?

(Not necessarily limited to Christmas gifts; just overall in your life.)


Carol said...

The best gift I remember was on Mother's Day several years ago. All of our family came home and the grandchildren sang two songs they had worked on especially for me. Hearing and seeing them sing with such enthusiasm was the best gift anybody could have given me. Maria video taped and put one of them on YouTube. I told some of the grandchildren that since my given name is Carol, which means song of joy, the best gift they can give me is to sing.

Carol said...
Here's the link if any of you want to see and hear my favorite gift.

Ann said...

Carol - Loved the song. I can see why it was a lovely present.

A small piece of trivia - I used to babysit the children of the man who wrote that song. :-)

Cleve said...

The video is a classic! After viewing twice, I called for Kathleen to "come here right away--you gotta see this". And, who, Ann, is the author?

Ann said...

The songwriter is Ron Hamilton, who wrote the "Patch the Pirate" series of music and stories for children. He was the music leader at a camp where I worked for several summers when right out of college (Rhoda worked there too), and I would sometimes keep their children in the evenings.

I found the entire Brandon and Maria account on YouTube and sometime soon, when I have time, plan to look at the others as well!

Nog Blog said...

The most unique "gift" I received was Christmas 1970, when I was engaged to Dave while he was in Vietnam. I was in Gridley at Grandma's little house on 8th street. The phone rang and it was Ohare..and could I come pick him up. Surprise! He came home on an unexpected furlough. Uncle Perry lent me his car, which I drove 90 miles an hour to Chicago, late at night. From the airport, we drove to Wyoming. It was about 6 am when we arrived, snuck into the house, walked into his parents bedroom and flipped on the light. It's a wonder they didn't have a heart attack when they saw Dave standing there. It was a great Merry Christmas gift.

Carol said...

Wow! That was quite a gift and a very special memory. Thanks for telling us about it, Judy.