Friday, January 13, 2012


This is what you may find in your bathroom sink when you are remodeling your kitchen. I put these hard-boiled eggs in to cool, and a couple of hours later was startled when I walked by the bathroom sink and there they were. The project was going well until I found out I can't find kitchen faucets I really the sink won't be hooked up again until I get busy and make a decision.


Ada said...

Funny. You can still use them, right - I don't think two hours would be too long to be out.

You have such a beautiful kitchen already that I don't understand why you want to change it, but I DO understand your difficulty in trying to pick out faucets - why do they give us sooooo many choices?! Good luck.

Cleve said...

Us men don't understand the woman's dilemma of choosing a faucet. Dave and I could probably pick out a beautiful one in less than 30 seconds. (But we appreciate your diligence, monetheless)

Ada said...

Well, Cleve - do yous men understand anything about us women?!? Yous'd really have a hard time getting along without us, though, wouldn't yous! Just remember that!!

rk2 said...

A man could pick put one in 30 seconds no doubt but be careful with the beautiful qualifier!

Cleve and other men said...

OK, OK, OK. You've made your point. Yes, we men would be lost, forsaken, and pathetic without our woman. We fully admit it, at least I do. A final word, however; us men don't need the most beautiful faucet handles, but are glad that we have them, thanks to y'all.

rk2 said...

Said with nothing but love of course Cleve!

Cleve said...

Likewise, all in good humor!