Saturday, October 15, 2011

Angel Trumpets

Even with the drought conditions, Dad has worked really hard on his yard this summer and fall to keep it nice. He's kept this angel trumpet plant watered daily, and now they are reaping the reward!

Here's a little broader version including the front porch, with some volunteer vinca in the front.

Rhoda planted some nice flowers in this bed last spring, but they have been pretty well overtaken by volunteer vinca! The angel trumpet from the above pictures is at the very left of this photo.


rk2 said...

Wow, I had no idea the smaller plants I saw in May would grow this big. Those are really big and quite pretty! Nice work, Dad!

Nog Blog said...

Beautiful flowers, yard, and house. It's nice to see such blooming, when we are on the downslide toward winter. This year has given us colorful trees, but still, I don't like the thought of winter creeping on. They are predicting a hard winter, I believe.

marym said...

Flowers look great - and Dad you do too! We miss you both.