Sunday, July 17, 2011


It's a beautiful, sunny Sunday morning with temps in the 90's expected today. Remember the days of sitting under a shade tree? or swinging on the front porch? or eating around the ping-pong table in the basement? when it was this hot? Today we have a wedding to go to in Bloomington and the reception will be in a tent on the church grounds. I'm wondering if they have a way of keeping us cool in there?!?!?

You may remember my posting about three weeks ago about the little "get-away" I took Jerry on as a secret trip. He is reciprocating this week. We will leave Thursday and get home on Saturday - but I have no idea where we're going. I'm sure it will be fun wherever it is. The "beans almost got spilled" a couple days ago when Jerry was sitting on the deck and his cell phone rang. I ran to answer it - some lady started a conversation about a hotel - I immediately said "just a minute I'll let you talk to my husband". I didn't want to spoil my surprise.

Our friends are serving lunch at church today. We helped them set tables last night and are going to go help them make sandwiches, fill trays etc. in a few minutes. Their parents are not available, so we're helping out.

Hope you all have a blessed and cool Sunday.


Cleve and Kathleen said...

How about a report on the AirConditioning in that tent on the churchgrounds???!!!
Our car "outside temp" late this afternoon showed 106 degrees but then soon came down to 99 degrees. It is usually accurate, so who knows?????
A report on the weekend trip will also be highly anticipated.

marym said...

Jaimie's outdoor reception proved to work out great, in spite of a huge thunderstorm earlier in the day. Joey and other guys were literally holding the tent in place in a lightning storm (glad I didn't know at the time-we girls were getting our hair done). Thankfully, the storm blew past and the rain served to cool things off, eliminate the dust, and provide a sweet reception site. Whew! Hope we're done with outdoor receptions!

Ada said...

It was a lovely wedding. The reception wasn't too uncomfortable. First of all, the wedding guests had to stay in their seats in the church and the bride and groom came back into the church and greeted everyone in an orderly (and quick) manner in the center aisle. Not only did it eliminate unnecessary visiting in a reception line, it also was much more comfortable than standing in a looooong line in the sun. We then walked on out to the tent, got our food and sat down. Some tables were not under the sun, however we found seats inside. It was somewhat overcast during that time with a slight breeze.

Waiting now for my surprise trip - which will also be in 95 degree weather! Jerry says "good thing we're going to a water park"!! :)

Ann said...

You guys in the midwest are having hotter weather than we are! We've had a cool(er) snap for about four days, but it's heating up again this week.