Tuesday, July 19, 2011


This the current status of our living room. Your mission is to guess what's going on.
This is the view of the kitchen.

This is a picture of our newly painted garage floor.
And this is the "MAN ON A MISSION". I'm staying out of his way as much as possible. Can you guess what his mission is? Hint: vacuuming is not the correct answer.
As a side note - the temp on our deck is now exactly 100!!


Cleve said...

getting all the carpet steam-cleaned and while,you're at it, having the piano tuned?

Shelley S said...

Wiping down baseboards?

Ann said...

Getting ready to paint the living room/dining room? Don't think that's right because the pictures are still on the walls. And I can't see why he'd be vacuuming if the answer is new carpet. So I'm stumped.

Ada said...

Good job Cleve and Shelley. We moved most stuff completely out of the carpeted area, but left the heavy stuff. He was vacuuming in the picture, but we left about 3:30, went to S&S for early dinner, then to Menards to get a steam-cleaner. When we got home, he steamed behind the piano and couches. We hope it will dry by morning when he will push them back and steam all the carpet as well as the upholstered furniture. I'm still staying out of the way.

Cleve said...

I guess it was a lucky guess, because we steam-clean carpets so rarely (if ever) that I'm shocked the thought even entered my mind.
Congratulations on your level of energy and ambition. I personally have a lot of energy but just don't have the strength to use it.

Ada said...

The carpet and the upholstered furniture is now all sparkling clean. Looks great. We will put everything back in place when we get back from our secret getaway. We're leaving for "somewhere" in the morning - Jerry tells me we are going to a water park and I told him I'll stay in the motel while he plays in the water. Y'all should try these little surprise vacations - fun.