Thursday, June 16, 2011

I Want to Know--

--How is Perry II doing by now with his recovery?

--Are there any new stories about any of the kiddos? Surely Shelley, Staci, Maria, Angela, or someone else has a good story to tell.

--How does Casey and Jamie's house look by now? Never saw a finished picture--

--Jen, are your girls gaining any weight?

--Drake, how are your children doing with their musical instruments? We haven't gotten a video for awhile.

--Whatever happened with all the baby birds?

--How are all of the 2nd generation doing (EJK and Anna being the 1st)?

--Ada - how are you doing? Any better?

--Anyone not mentioned by name (sorry, not intentional!!) - what is happening of interest? (I do know that we have a wedding tomorrow - Jaimie Medlen is getting married in Birmingham, and I hope Mom, Mary, or Rhoda will have pictures after the event.)

--Eric, what was the "Mission Olney" I saw on Facebook?

--And finally - Nog Blog, surely you have something entertaining up your sleeve!!


Carol said...

I would also like to know how Perry II is doing by now with his recovery. :) He is in Jamaica on a work team and won't be back until very late Saturday night. He was improving every day up until he left, but was not "back to normal" yet.

Ada said...

I'm doing better. One medicine makes me a little "puny" and the other makes me sleepy.

Our birds flew the coop and we haven't seen them since. Jerry worked five hours in the yard today and it looks beautiful.

Ann, your quilt is all quilted and when I get it finished, I'll post a picture.

Nog Blog said...

When I finally got to see my baby birds, they were fully feathered and struggling to escape the nest, though mama had them securely tucked under her wings. Finally they escaped, and after a couple of weeks Dave knocked the nest down from the window sill. Sadly, that mother bird sat and cried one whole day over her lost nest. Loudly. Moaning. It was rather disconcerting.

I went to bed last night with a project started but not finished in my bathroom. I was attempting to recolor and seal the grout. I was having some trouble (of course) getting the color just what I wanted. Thankfully Dave did not notice the section I experimented on, so I went to bed a little unsettled and hoping I could figure it out. And then I dreamed...about many of YOU! I was desperately trying to clean Grandma K's house for some company coming and no one would help me. I had put globs of vaseline on lots of things, including the seats of cloth chairs, and I was out of time! The kitchen floor had nut shells all over, and Cathy, you helped for a while, but then disappeared. And Kathleen, you just didn't see the need to get all fussed up about it at all. I woke up very upset.

I can report that the bathroom floor is done and looks great! I hate to walk in there now it's so pretty and clean!