Friday, April 15, 2011


If you asked me when I last cried, I would probably have to say "While watching The Biggest Loser." That is the saddest show! This season they have done a lot of boxing. Though I have been working out for 3 months now, my arms are still really fat.

Last week I casually mentioned to Dave that I would like to learn how to box.

He replied, "Yeah, until the first time you get hit!"

Oh my, I almost fainted. I'm not sure which was worse, the thought of getting hit, or the thought of hitting someone else!"

"I mean a punching bag! a punching bag!"



Staci said...

Jerime and I are currently in a competition to see who loses the most inches. We are doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. It's all classic exercises and much easier than I thought it would be. We've had very sore muscles!

rk2 said...

You can also do Wii boxing which is just punching the air. I think it's fun and I'm sure a good laugh for someone watching.

Ada said...

Judy, you and Dave are so funny! Why don't you both just go for a brisk, romantic walk every evening, and you'll both lose weight. Then you won't have to get into a punching fight.

Nog Blog said...

Dave gets home too late and too tired for a walk. The man's work schedule is wearing on him. It's hit the chair and off to sleep. Someday...

Shelley S said...

Another classic! The boys have been begging to get one of those hanging punching bags or a speed bag. If their dad caves in then you can come over here and try it out.

Cleve said...

Your arms are still fat? I did not notice. You must think diets are for people who are thick and tired of it. I've been dieting religiously lately -- one day a week.
Keep up the good work.