Monday, March 21, 2011

Week-end Trip to KC

Perry and I returned today from a quick trip to KC. This was probably the most impulsive/spur of the moment trip we've made---but we were glad we did. Alice Caroline had her first birthday on Friday and it was fun to help celebrate. Carol


Ann said...

Sometimes those impromptu trips are the best. Glad you got to spend time with those sweet grandchildren. That little Alice is a cutie!

Ada said...

Hard to believe she's already one year old. All the children are so adorable - and look so much alike. Glad you were able to spend time with them.

Maria, I hope your mom gave you our greetings as I asked her to. :)

Alice said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Maria and Brandon have such a cute little family. They are all so good-looking!!! It's always fun to help them celebrate their birthdays. Great memories.

marym said...

I'm sure the family was as happy to have you there to help celebrate as you were to be with them!