Friday, March 11, 2011

First time for everything

Well, last Sunday I had the opportunity to do something I've never done before. On Thursday night Retta informed me that our Pastor had called and was not going to be able to preach on Sunday due to an illness. He had asked Retta to pray about asking me to preach on Sunday and for her to ask me to pray about it. On Friday morning, Jerry called me and asked if I had prayed about it and if I could lead the service, preach and serve communion as he was sick and could not be at church. I agreed and for the first time, I preached. Actually, I like to say I taught. It was very interesting to be completely nervous, yet completely at peace at the same time.

If you are interested in listening to the sermon it can be found here for download or listening online. I pray that God was (and is) glorified by the message. I had two days (of which I worked both) to complete and practice. I felt like I needed another day or two to practice, but I know that it went the way it did, not because of me, but because of God. I look forward to the next opportunity to teach others God's Word in that way.

As a side note, as we walked out of the house on Sunday morning for church I remembered that I also had to teach Sunday School and that I had forgotten completely about it. Oops. Fortunately my class is great and we worked our way through Exodus 27 together.



Nog Blog said...

I listened, and would recommend it. You did not seem too nervous, and your message was good!

Ann said...

So glad it went well for you, Eric. It's a good thing for any man -to be aware that he might be called on to speak, not only from a pulpit but for a Sunday school class or a devotional or whatever.

Unknown said...

Similar situations have come up; I like to say, "We always have the Bible--you can't beat that and keep moving forward!"